The New Hurley Church is host to a number of community services and programs.
Youth Sunday School – 10:00AM – 10:50AM (3rd week of September – 2nd week in June. There is no Sunday School during the Wallkill School District Christmas break, usually the two Sundays following Christmas). Any child from 4 -18 years of age is welcome to join in this ministry. Sign up is at any time during the year. Parents of younger children are encouraged to sit in with their children until they feel comfortable. Please contact the church office for more information at 845-851-8398.
Adult Bible Study – 10:00 AM Sunday mornings before service. Anyone 18 and older is welcome to join in this ministry. Bible Study is held in the Adult Lounge in the Church Hall. Please contact the church office at 845-851-8398 for further information
Women’s Breakfast – A time for women to gather together in support of learning and living out a Christian life. This is done through fellowship with each other in studying God’s Word, discussions and prayer. Everyone brings a dish to share and we meet in the Adult Lounge in the Church Hall the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
HOAM – Hope on a Mission is a non-profit organization in Poughkeepsie that supports and encourages those who are struggling with life-draining habits, circumstances and addictions. This is done through prayer, personal relationships and meeting basic human needs (food, clothing, love). We at New Hurley volunteer to cook and serve dinner every second Saturday night of the month. The food is transported to the Mission site in Poughkeepsie to be served to those in need.
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry – New Hurley congregants contribute non-perishable food items on the 1st Sunday of each month. These items are then delivered to the food pantry located behind the Wallkill Reformed Church. We also contribute for holidays such as Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and “Souper” Bowl Sunday. They can be reached at 845-895-2181 for further information.
Operation Christmas Child– The organization, Samaritan’s Purse, collects shoeboxes filled with fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items and delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. Congregants are provided shoe boxes and after they are filled, they are brought to the church mid-November and are transported to a collection site. For more information contact Samaritan’s Purse at
Branches of Humanity – is a 501c3 organization based in the Plattekill area. Each year they receive letters from families in need of help with holiday gifts. The community is asked to “adopt” a family and ages and gift needs are noted. You can choose which family you would like to help. Many of the children are disabled as well. New Hurley offers these choices to our congregants if they indicate they would be interested in contributing to a family in need. For further information please contact them at 845-418-3613. They are located at 915 South Street, Highland, NY.
Prayer Chain – Please send all prayer requests to or Prayers are brought before the congregation at Sunday worship.
Alcoholics Anonymous – AA: “Back to Basics” – This group was formed over 20 years ago and meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Adult Lounge in the Church Hall. AA: “Women’s Group” – This group organized in 2004 meets on Friday evening from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Adult Lounge in the Church Hall. For further information, contact the church office at 845-851-8398.